Here is the info, with even more at
this link.
2010 Conference of Religiously Affilliated Law SchoolsJ. Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University
Room 472
Thursday, March 18, 2010
9:00-9:15 am Introduction
Associate Dean Kif Augustine-Adams, BYU
9:15-10:15 am Plenary Session
H. Reese Hansen, President, Association of American Law Schools and Howard W. Hunter Professor Law, BYU
10:15-10:30 am Break
10:30 am-12:00 pm Panel: The Role of Ministering As Well As Administering in the Law School Community
Scott Cameron, BYU (Chair)
Lindsay P. Watkins, Project Manager, Law School Survey of Student Engagement
Wendy C. Archibald, BYU
12:15-1:30 pm Lunch: Hinckley Alumni Building
Welcome: Dean James Rasband, BYU Law School
1:45-3:15 pm Panel: Sacred Texts Part I: The Role of Sacred Texts and Traditions in Informing Our Understanding and Engagement of Jurisprudence
David Dominguez, BYU (Chair)
John Welch, BYU
Steven Goldberg, Georgetown U.
[Other speaker invited]
3:30-3:45 pm Break
3:45-5:15 pm Panel: Judges, Kings, Prophets, and Lawyers in Biblical and American Perspectives
Samuel Levine, Pepperdine U. (Chair)
Zach Calo, Valparaiso U.: Catholic/Anglican Perspective
David Vlatto, Penn. State U.: Jewish Perspective
Robert Cochran, Pepperdine U.
Mark Graber, U. of Maryland
5:30 pm Box Dinner
5:30 pm Tabernacle Choir Rehearsal in Salt Lake City
6:15 pm Buses depart
8:00 pm Tabernacle Choir Rehearsal
9:45 pm Busses return to Provo
Friday, March 19, 2010
8:15-9:00 am Continental Breakfast, BYU Law School
9:00-10:30 am Plenary Session: Relevant and Reliable Rankings Criteria for Religiously Affiliated Law Schools
David Thomas, BYU
10:30-10:45 am Break
10:45 am-12:15 pm Sacred Texts Part II: Texts, Law and Life
Thomas Folsom, Regent U.: "Disintegrating Norms in Cyberspace: Future Law and the Relevance of Ancient Sacred Texts (Is There a Common Morality for a Global/Tech Era?)"
Collin Mangrum, Creighton: "Religious Text as Authoritative Sources for Legal Reasoning: The Israeli Experience"
Hank Chambers, Richmond: "Biblical Interpretation and Ignoring Text"
12:30-2:00 pm Lunch: Wilkinson Student Center
2:15-4:00 pm Practicing Religion in the Classroom, Court Room, and Marketplace
David Koelsch, U. of Detroit-Mercy: "Promoting Consolation Among Law Students and Attorneys: Incorporating the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola into the Law School Curriculum"
Sherman Cohn, Georgetown U.: "Teaching Jewish Law at Georgetown"
Kristin Gerdy, BYU: "Clients, Empathy, and Compassion: Introducing First-Year Law Students to the ‘Heart’ of Lawyering"
Bill Piatt, St. Mary’s U.: "Catholicism and Constitutional Law: More Than Privacy in the Penumbras"
Rodney Dale Chrisman, Liberty: "Seeking Filthy Lucre: The Historic Christian Teaching on the Goodness of Commercial Activity as the Overarching Purpose of the UCC"
4:00-4:15 pm Break
4:15-5:00 pm Closing Session/Idea Exchange for the Future
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Optional Activity Tour of LDS Humanitarian Services Center Exchange in Salt Lake City
The cost of the conference is $175.00 per person, which will cover the lunches, dinner and continental breakfast, and the Thursday excursion to Salt Lake City. Guests may attend and participate in the meal and excursion functions for a fee of $75.00. You may register online by clicking here, or you may download a printable PDF, and send it with your check (made out to Brigham Young University Law School) to:
Adrian Selle
Room 405
J. Reuben Clark Law School
Brigham Young University
Provo, Utah 84602